Last Known Construction
Circa 1600BCE
The last known construction at Stonehenge was about
1600 BC and the last usage of it was probably during the Iron Age. Roman coins
and medieval artefacts have all been found in or around the monument but it is
unknown if the monument was in continuous use throughout prehistory and beyond,
or exactly how it would have been used.
Notable is the late 7th-6th century BCE large arcing Scroll
Trench which deepens E-NE towards Heelstone, and the massive Iron Age hillfort
Vespasian's Camp built alongside the Avenue near the Avon. A decapitated 7th
century Saxon man was excavated from Stonehenge in 1923. The site was known to
scholars during the Middle Ages and since then it has been studied and adopted
by numerous different groups.
Find out more about
Theosophy with these links
The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website
National Wales Theosophy Website
If you run a Theosophy Group, please feel free
to use any of the material on this site
Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide
One liners and quick explanations
H P Blavatsky is
usually the only
Theosophist that
most people have ever
heard of. Let’s
put that right
The Voice of the Silence Website
An Independent Theosophical Republic
Links to Free Online Theosophy
Study Resources; Courses, Writings,
The main criteria
for the inclusion of
links on this
site is that they have some
(however tenuous) to Theosophy
and are
lightweight, amusing or entertaining.
Topics include
Quantum Theory and Socks,
Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.
A selection of
articles on Reincarnation
Provided in
response to the large
number of
enquiries we receive at
Theosophical Society on this subject
The Voice of the Silence Website
This is for everyone, you don’t have to live
in Wales to make good use of this Website
Arthurian & Grail Links
Completing the Quest for Wholeness
Telling the Story of our Times
Diana Durham applies concepts from Arthurian Legend
to leadership strategies in the modern era
Perform Your Own Arthurian Legend
King Arthur's Round Table Revealed
The Battle of
Badon Hill / Mynnyd Badon may
have taken place
at Bardon Hill in Leicestershire
King Arthur’s
victory at Flossenden
Local legend suggests
that this battle took place near
The Long Man of
Wilmington in Sussex
A cave where
Arthur and his knights lie sleeping
Movement in Wales
High Drama & Worldwide Confusion
as Theosophy Cardiff Separates from the
Welsh Regional Association (formed 1993)
Theosophy Cardiff are in regular
with the Theosophical Society in Utah
No Aardvarks were harmed in the
The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy
The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy
National Wales Centre for Theosophy
Blavatsky Wales Theosophy Group
Theosophy Birmingham (England)
The Birmingham Annie Besant Lodge
Theosophy Cardiff has links with the
The Theosophy Cardiff
Glastonbury Pages
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury and
Joseph of Arimathea
The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere
Views of Glastonbury High Street
The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to
Surrey, England GU15 2LF
Concerns about
the fate of the wildlife as
Tekels Park is to
be Sold to a Developer
Concerns are
raised about the fate of the
wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat,
Tekels Park in
Camberley, Surrey,
England is to be
sold to a developer.
Tekels Park is a
50 acre woodland park,
for the Adyar
In addition to
concern about the park,
many are worried about the
of the Tekels
Park Deer as they
Confusion as the Theoversity moves
out of
Tekels Park to Southampton,
Glastonbury &
Chorley in Lancashire while the
leadership claim
that the Theosophical Society will
carry on using
Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer
Anyone planning a
“Spiritual” stay at the
Tekels Park Guest
House should be aware of the sale.
Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt
Party On! Tekels Park Theosophy NOT
Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster
A Satirical view of
the sale of Tekels Park
in Camberley,
Surrey to a developer
The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park
What the men in
top hats have to
say about the
sale of Tekels Park
Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format
Theosophy and the Masters General Principles
The Earth Chain Body and Astral Body Kama – Desire
Manas Of Reincarnation Reincarnation Continued
Karma Kama Loka
Arguments Supporting Reincarnation
Differentiation Of Species Missing Links
Psychic Laws, Forces, and Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena and Spiritualism
Quick Explanations with Links to
More Detailed Info
What is Theosophy ? Theosophy Defined (More Detail)
Three Fundamental Propositions Key Concepts of Theosophy
Root Races
Ascended Masters After Death States Reincarnation
The Seven Principles of Man Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott William Quan Judge
The Start of the Theosophical Society
History of the Theosophical Society
Theosophical Society Presidents
History of the Theosophical Society in Wales
The Three Objectives of the Theosophical Society
Explanation of the Theosophical Society Emblem
Glossaries of Theosophical Terms
An Outstanding
Introduction to Theosophy
By a student of
Katherine Tingley
Elementary Theosophy Who is the Man? Body and Soul
Body, Soul and Spirit Reincarnation Karma
An Outline of Theosophy
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Theosophy - What it is How is it Known?
The Method of Observation General Principles
The Three Great Truths Advantage Gained from this Knowledge
The Deity
The Divine Scheme The Constitution of Man
The True Man
The Wider Outlook
Death Man’s Past and Future Cause and Effect
We can learn something from these guys
(The universe exists for a while and then sort of
Outline of the Creation Process
There is no Dead Matter in the Universe
The Divine Spark in Everything
The 10 rungs on the Ladder of Life
The Sevenfold Constitution of Man
Yes, we all operate at 7 levels
(or shouldn’t be)
(You do take some things with you but sadly not your
(The Energy Driving the Universe)
We haven’t always looked like this
H P Blavatsky is usually the only Theosophist most
people have ever heard of. Let’s put that right.
on Dave’s Streetwise Theosophy Boards
William Quan Judge
Petrovna Blavatsky 1831 – 1891
Founder of Modern Theosophy
Index of
Articles by
Is the Desire to Live Selfish?
Ancient Magic in Modern Science
Precepts Compiled by H P Blavatsky
Por H P Blavatsky
about the Life of H P Blavatsky
Writings of Ernest Egerton Wood
Theosophy and the Number Seven
A selection of articles relating to the esoteric
significance of the Number 7 in Theosophy
Index of Searchable
Full Text Versions of
Theosophical Works
H P Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine
Isis Unveiled by H P Blavatsky
H P Blavatsky’s Esoteric Glossary
Mahatma Letters to A P Sinnett 1 - 25
A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom
(Selection of Articles by H P Blavatsky)
The Secret Doctrine – Volume 3
A compilation of H P Blavatsky’s
writings published after her death
Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
The Early Teachings of The
A Collection of Fugitive Fragments
Fundamentals of the Esoteric
Philosophical, Theosophical, Historical
and Scientific
Essays Selected from "The Theosophist"
Edited by George
Robert Stow Mead
From Talks on the Path of Occultism - Vol. II
In the Twilight”
Series of Articles
The In the
Twilight” series appeared during
1898 in The
Theosophical Review and
from 1909-1913 in The Theosophist.
compiled from
information supplied by
her relatives and friends and edited by A P Sinnett
Letters and
Talks on Theosophy and the Theosophical Life
Obras Teosoficas En Espanol
Theosophische Schriften Auf Deutsch
Hey Look!
Theosophy in Cardiff
from the Writings of
Petrovna Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 100
It is only by the attractive force of the contrasts
that the two opposites — Spirit and Matter — can be cemented together on
Earth, and, smelted in the fire of self-conscious experience and suffering, find
themselves wedded in Eternity.
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 108
It is the motive, and the motive alone, which makes
any exercise of power become black, malignant, or white, beneficent Magic. It is
impossible to employ spiritual forces if there is the slightest tinge of
selfishness remaining in the operator .... The powers and forces of animal
nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as by the unselfish and
the all-forgiving; the powers and forces of spirit lend themselves only to the
perfectly pure in heart — and this is Divine Magic.
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 36
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 3, Page 14
Even ignorance is better than
Head-learning with no Soul-wisdom to illuminate and guide it.
The Voice of the Silence, Page 43
Annotation - The Path, May, 1888
The Secret Doctrine , Proem [Volume 1], Page 35
Isis Unveiled, Volume 1, Page 210
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 134
incarnation of
his God; and when the sense of personal responsibility will be so
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 2, Page 374
It is the
motive, and the motive alone, which makes any exercise of power become
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 2, Page 498
Isis Unveiled, Volume 1, Page 36
From strength to
strength, from the beauty and perfection of one plane to the
greater beauty
and perfection of another, with accessions of new glory, of fresh
knowledge and
power in each cycle, such is the destiny of every Ego, which thus
becomes its own
saviour in each world and incarnation.
The Key to
Theosophy, Page 105
The Secret Doctrine , Volume 1, Page 69
The mind
receives indelible impressions even from chance acquaintance or persons
Isis Unveiled,
Volume 1, Page 311
The Key to Theosophy, Page 228
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